DIA - Rhythmic Fantasies


The piece is a multidisciplinary performance focused on the idea of dialogue and on the nature of relation.The etymology of the word dialogue (from Greek dia- -among/between/through - and logos -in its broader sense reason/significance/word-) inspired the writing of a choreography where the relationship between two bodies is in constant evolution.By means of a series of four frames/chapters, the performers develop “rhythmic fantasies” by translating with gestures and sounds four dialogues from Giacomo Leopardi’s “Small moral works” (Operette Morali): “Dialogue between Hercules and Atlas”, “Dialogue between Fashion and Death”, “Dialogue between the Earth and the Moon”, “Dialogue between a Pixie and a Gnome”.The performance pinpoints the use of the gesture as visual sign, provided of its own musicality and meaning, in order to create a universe where the abstract becomes concrete, unveiling a landscape composed by orbiting constellations of movements, sounds and dynamics that move to an hypnotic vortex of conversations.With a system of contact microphones, live manipulated by the sound engineer, simple/daily stools change into percussive and resonating instruments for the performed gestures. The correlation between relationship-dependance and body-noise becomes the meeting point among the performers. Constantly searching for a dialogue, they become creators of sounds, noises and echoes, making tangible those signs that they draw and letting vibrate and reverberate the space around them.The choreographic language weaves thus dialogic forms in different expressive shades, which celebrate ultimately the human beings nature.


Concept And Choreography
: MariaGiulia Serantoni, Maria Focaraccio / Performance: MariaGiulia Serantoni, Maria Focaraccio / Sound design: Andrea Parolin / Music: Giuseppe Bottiglieri, Andrea Parolin / Costume Design: Arianna Fantin / Light Design: Paolo Bonapace

Supported by:

MigraMenti, CanGo Cantieri.


2020: Premiere at Festival “La Democrazie del Corpo”, Florence, IT2022: “NEXT Regione Lombardia“, Milan, IT